Wednesday, 12 December 2007

IndCoup has flown the coupe

The prolific expatriate blogger IndCoup in Jakarta has, I hope, gone.

The name Indcoup was a pseudonym of course used to try and protect the person responsible from the nasty realities of "life" in Indonesia; to prevent the Indonesian street dogs in government, business, "military" and mafia police from potentially identifying him.

Why did Indcoup suddenly go off-line though after several years of blagging? The reason should be a lesson to all expats in Indonesia. This (near) Londoner in Jakarta published three kinds of blogs on;

1) Travel accounts around Indonesia, often witty. These were welcomed by many people and perhaps Indcoup will continue these under another pseudonym.
2) Details of the facts of nasty Indonesia, such as what the Suharto's get up to and who exactly benefited from certain projects. This put Indcoup at grave risk should his text and real identity ever be known by the people he published this stuff about. Do not forget lives cost peanuts in Indonesia and even if Indcoup was not in danger of being murdered for what he wrote, Jakarta has a very nasty criminal libel law where you can not publish or say anything about someone more powerful than you without their permission, or you could spend at least 2 years in a rancid Indonesian jail.
3) Indcoup became a little doggy Indonesian expat and joined others in attacking anyone not in their little pack. One of those people was me, where he decided to attack me because one of his little doggy buddies was having a go at me. I actually tried to reason with Indcoup pointing out what he published about me was both false and unfair, plus did not do anyone any good; he then published out of context excerpts of what I said, like only a rat does and called me a "loser"; ah, Freud. I left it for 2 years but when the stirring and taunting kept a coming from both him and his little yapping doggy friends, I decided to find out exactly who Indcoup is.

No problem for me; I was able to identify the person behind Indcoup quite easily through a friend in Jakarta. So then I asked Indcoup to put his real name to his blogs or remove them; he decided to do the later. Although I am not happy this included removing his travel and especially his political / economical items, that was ultimately his choice. The thing is, when he went for me and allowed the krap to continue, I simply decided to reciprocate. The so called "Cyber Crime" division of Indonesia's mafia police of course could not find a Viagra advertisement on the www let alone the identity of a blogger; they are only capable of closing down legally operating Indonesian ISP's at the "request" of a more powerful competitor and arresting anyone who dares say anything bad about the ringworm infested street dog organization they "serve". But look out, not everyone is as dumb as an Indonesian cop.

Be warned you fake and phony Indonesian expatriates, the lowest of the expat low in the world's "greatest" s hole of a nation. If you attack others like Indcoup made the mistake of doing against me, the people you attack have every right to go for you, and anonymity is a hard thing to achieve; just ask Indcoup. Remember little expat doggies of Indonesia, you live in a country where your big mouths are really an untenable commodity, so roll over and pant like the good little obedient mutts you should be.

Adieu Indcoup; do not come back like you did before, do not go for me or others again simply because we are outside your little pack and exercise our right to freedom of speech with our real names clearly declared, or next time I will publish your real name, address and phone number for you!

God Bless The EU
Death to the Republic of Indonesia
Free West Papua

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